Reading Group 1:
Classic Models, Contemporary Novels
Spring 2019
This book club paired books together—one a classic novel and the other a contemporary novel. These novels were paired according to theme, genre, and other characteristics.

Reading Group II:
Rereading the Past
Summer 2019
This reading group read novels that are retelling and reinterpreting old stories, texts, and archetypes. We discussed these more contemporary texts in relation to their older source material.

Reading Group III:
Political Science Fiction
Fall 2019
Politics are a hot topic right now, but by reading science fiction through political lenses, we viewed current and potential political practices without necessarily having to deal with our realities.

Reading Group IV:
World-Building Narratives
Spring 2020
The focus of this group concerns the design and analysis of imaginary (or constructed) worlds for narrative fiction. We will read novels that create immersive, atmospheric, and engaging fictional worlds.

Reading Group V: The Horror…The Horror!
Fall 2020
NOTE: This group was not completed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the books were delivered to readers, but we were not able to discuss the last 6 titles.
In this reading group, we will read a variety of horror fiction, focusing on what makes a great work of horror. We will experience and explore the techniques writers use in attempts to instill fear in their readers. We will also look at how horror fiction changes to suit its intended audiences. What do writers hope to accomplish with horror fiction? What do readers want from it and why are they drawn to it? These are a couple of the questions we’ll be discussing as we plumb the depths of horror fiction.

Reading Group VI: The Art of Memoirs
Spring 2021
This reading group will read 8 unique memoirs. We will talk about memoirs as a literary form. The memoirs we read offer a diverse array of settings, experiences, and forms. We will notice the uses of narration, reflection, the changing shape of memories, and how the authors put their experiences into perspective for themselves and for the readers. Through reading the experiences of others, we hope to not only gain more empathy, but think about our own stories in new ways.
Reading Group VII: Literary Secrets
Coming soon